
No matter what, there will always be things that I dont know, things that I will learn and obstacles that I will encounter. Fortunately for the hurdles that I face now onwards, there will always be a way to reflect.

These are some of the things that Ive experimented with in my free time. Click on the month name to see a day-to-day detail view.


Month Summary/Key learnings
July 2014 Ongoing *YUI App Framework, d3js *
June 2014 To summarize Gruntjs, Javascript Promises
May 2014 Gruntjs, Marionette Views, Node Inspector, NGINX visualization, Marionette+dust, Marionette Controllers, Postgresql setup on ubuntu
April 2014 Marionettejs, Module pattern, Mediator Pattern, Ghost blog setup, NGINX setup for multiple sites, Visualizing OAUTH 2, Markdown