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Wanderings and learnings : July 2014
Have questions? Reach out to me via my contact details available at ryansukale.com.
July 13
- Found this nice little grunt configuration to watch for react files.
- Read up a bit about Browserify.
This one seems to contain a nice example as well for using react with backbone and some more links at the end that I did not get a chance to read.
- Continue reading the d3js tips and tricks. This time the graph chapter seemed a lot more easier to understand.
July 12
- Spent some time today revisiting Reactjs. Also came across a tutorial series on using react with other frameworks. The one feature that caught my eye was the ability to add mixins to a react component to augment the component lifecycle.
- Was also reading through D3js tips and tricks.
- Found this neat cheat sheet on d3js by Jerome Cukier. It at least makes things a bit more clearer.
July 06
- Spent a good part of my day learning about some d3js. Tried out the first chapter from the free ebook D3 Tips and Tricks by Malcolm Maclean.
- Also tried to make simple tree graph from this blog post, which is also part of the book. There is probably another interesting article here on creating trees in d3 that I should read.
This post explains the concept of the enter() and the data() function excellently. Its a pretty easy read and some really important information.
- Check out this nifty presentation of YUI if you are in a hurry.
July 05
- Learnt a bit about YUI App framework. It says its inspired by Backbonejs. Its seems very heavily inspired by it. So much so that it just feels like a different syntactical glue to do the very same thing the YUI way. I guess that helps if you are already familiar with backbone.